Two-volume medical textbook - Aesthetic Nasal Reconstruction Principles and Practice
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Aesthetic Nasal Reconstruction Principles and Practice is the latest two-volume textbook from Frederick J. Menick, M.D., the world's leading authority on nasal reconstruction.
The most comprehensive nasal reconstruction book ever published, Aesthetic Nasal Reconstruction Principles and Practice includes hundreds of cases — from simple to complex and small to large defects — plus 6,500+ step-by-step pre-, intra-, and post-op images.
In this new two-volume set, Dr. Menick shares invaluable lessons from his 35-year clinical practice. Based on a principled approach to repair, you’ll learn how to:
- Know the Normal
- Analyze a defect and formulate a solid approach to reconstruction, based on fundamental principles
- Define the "true" tissue loss to determine what is missing and what is present, plus evaluate what tissues are available and appropriate to make what you want
- Set priorities and develop a plan
- Prepare the wound, patient, and surgeon for success
- Design operative templates to replace tissues accurately
- Replace missing cover, lining, and support
- Employ secondary healing
- Use forehead skin grafts for nasal resurfacing
- When and how to use local flaps
- Choose between nasolabial and forehead donors
- Use a 2- and 3-stage forehead flap (indications and techniques)
- Handle the forehead donor site – primary closure, expansion, surgical delay, harvesting a second or third or fourth flap
- Design and position cartilage support
- Correct initial errors and imperfections before pedicle division
- Avoid and treat complications, such as intraoperative problems, postoperative cover and lining necrosis, and infection
- Revise an imperfect result or re-do a failed reconstruction
- Use microvascular free flaps for nasal reconstruction
- Restore a normal appearance with minimal scarring
Title: Aesthetic Nasal Reconstruction Principles and Practice
Author: Frederick J. Menick, M.D.
Pages: 1,592 total; two volumes
Publisher: Aesthetic Nasal Reconstruction Press (2018)